Our Heritage
The distinctive identity of the Methodist Church came to birth through the life and mission of John and Charles Wesley in the 18th century. They were deeply committed evangelists who wrote songs, hymns, and tracts explaining and celebrating God’s love calling any and all to follow Jesus.
They went to farms, mines, factories and forests preaching and teaching. They believed that worship should be enthusiastic and faith should be enjoyed. They also believed that our love of God should be evident in our love for human beings including those who society looked down on.
They looked for, hoped for, worked for and campaigned for a fairer and better world for all.
Out of that revival came Christian schools, charities, over-seas missions campaigns against drunkenness, gambolling, exploitation of the vulnerable and a movement to abolish slavery,

In the 21st century our community and styles have changed but our underlying values remain the same.
At Bromsgrove we offer worship in a variety of styles, mostly informal always including readings from the Bible which will be explained and applied to today, songs and hymns some from the days of the Wesleys and many written in the last few years. Currently the majority of Sunday mornings singing is led by an organ but at least once a month by a worship band of different instruments and vocalists.
During the week there are opportunities to join smaller groups to read, discuss and pray for each other.
We offer God’s love in word and actions on site (see weekly diary); in homes (through for example Crosslinks Befriending) and in the community often in partnership with other Christian churches – for example Street Pastors.

Come meet us
Why not come to a Sunday Service or week day activity: we hope you will feel welcome.
The church is committed to a Safeguarding Policy for children and vulnerable adults, has access for wheel chair users, T loop for audibly impaired people and large print word version of all that is needed in worship. (most of what we sing and say is projected on to screens).